Best 2016 Running Gifts for Dads and Graduates

It’s that time of season when everyone is trying to figure out what to buy your father or recent graduate. If you are like me and like being active and outdoors, I am not one who wants a new yard tool or something to keep me busy in the yard. I prefer something adventurous that will help me keep moving outdoors.

I also know that trying to find something for my father has always been tough as he isn’t a fan of yard work.

If you are looking for something other than what’s on the list below, contact me or send me a tweet and I will do what I can to help you out! You can also check out the June 2016 discount and deals page for additional sale information.

Below are my recommended gifts for Father’s Day and graduates. Please note, there are so many other things I would get my father or graduate so I had to limit the number of options!

1. GPS Running Watch

A great gift for Father’s Day or a graduate is a GPS Garmin Forerunner 735 XTrunning watch. The great thing about these devices is that they can be used for running, cycling, and tracking steps.

Garmin has a number of different devices that range in price from $80 to $500. With a wide range of options, there is something for everyone.

Below are a few options that I would recommend for gifting this Father’s Day and Graduate.

Recommend Items:
Good: Garmin Forerunner 25 – Amazon | Jack Rabbit | REI | Holabird Sports
Better: Garmin Forerunner 630Amazon | Jack Rabbit | REI
Best: Garmin Forerunner 735XTAmazon | Jack Rabbit | Moosejaw | REI

2. Sunglasses

Oakley Half Jacket 2.0 XL SunglassesSunglasses are one of those things that you always want to buy a nice pair, but you can’t really justify the cost.

Having to decide what color and whether you should get polarized lenses is something that isn’t as easy as you would think. I have tried a number of glasses and have found some that I like and some that are overrated. If you are debating between regular lenses and polarized, go with polarized. Your father or graduate will thank you.

Below are a few recommendations for sunglasses that will be sure to make your father or graduate happy. I now run in Oakley’s and bike in Nike sunglasses.

Recommend Items:
Good: Tifosi RadiusAmazon | Jack Rabbit | Moosejaw
Better: Nike TailwindAmazon | Jack Rabbit
Best: Oakley Half Jacket XLJ – Amazon | TriVillage | Holabird Sports | Moosejaw

3. Road ID Band/ID (safety gear)RoadID Logo

I mentioned this same item in my 2015 gift guide and think it’s a great gift for Father’s Day and graduates. This gift could be a lifesaver and will only cost you about $20.

For those who don’t know, Road ID is a bracelet type that has contact and health information that emergency responders can use to treat you if something were to happen to you.

I often tweet Road ID deals because I firmly believe in the product and the importance of being safe for less than $20.

If you ever needed someone to help you while being active, this will be the best $20 you ever spent.

Where to

4. Compression Socks/Sleeves

CEP Compression SocksAnother simple and great gift for any athlete are compression socks or sleeves. These reasonably priced items will help your father or graduate recover faster after those tough runs or bike rides.

There are a number of brands that I have tried, but I always say that CEP and Zensah are my two favorite.

Below are a few links with some options that will help you decide which one is best.

Another great thing about compression socks and sleeves is that they are reasonably priced and range from $10 to $75.

Where to BuyAmazon.comJack Rabbit | Foot Locker | Holabird Sports

Other Recovery ItemsFoam Rollers on

5. Running Shoes

Asics Gel-DS Trainer 21I know that running shoes could be a tough thing to buy for Father’s Day or for a recent graduate, but if you know the shoe style and size, it can be a pleasant surprise.

Similar to what I said about sunglasses, shoes are one of those things that you don’t want to buy because they can be pricey for the shoes your father or graduate enjoys running in.

Below are my favorite online stores to buy running shoes. If you have any questions, need discount codes, or want specific shoe recommendations, contact me and I would be happy to help. I recently wrote a post that helps you find the right type of running shoe for you.

Where to | Jack RabbitRoad Runner Sports | 6pm | Holabird Sports

What are you buying your father or graduate this year?

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