2018 Cleveland Marathon Training Post 2
2018 Cleveland Marathon Training Post 2
The last few years while training for a variety of races, I seemed to always get injured. For some reason, I always thought I was 25 again and could increase weekly mileage as much as I wanted to. Sure enough, I learned the hard way and ended up with overuse injuries the past two years. I’m trying to be smarter this year and not only listen to my body but do not increase my mileage by more than 10%, which is suggested by a number of different resources.
Now that I am an Ambassador for the 2018 Cleveland Marathon, I want to do everything I can to get to the starting line healthy and in shape. If you haven’t visited the Ambassador page, I recommend taking a look. You not only get to learn about the other great Ambassadors, but you can also enter to win a free race entry!
Race Discount: Save 10% off any Cleveland Marathon race or challenge with coupon code SLONGCLE10.
While I don’t have a specific training plan in place just yet, I am starting to mix in some speedwork and starting to hit some double-digit training runs. I am hoping to get something finalized over the next week or two. My goal is to continue to mix in some 400’s and 800’s as I continue to build my base mileage for training.
I am also looking for some spring races here in northeast Ohio. If you have any suggestions for spring races, let me know!
As much as I wish it was springtime here in Ohio, the weather seems to change on a daily basis. Today it was 35*F and fog while yesterday it was freezing rain and 32. We haven’t had the subzero temperatures like we did last month, but the freezing rain makes it difficult to stay dry and increases the odds slip or fall while running.
Here are a few pictures from my runs this month. If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, then you may have already seen these pictures.
Here are the details of my training this week. This includes both cycling and running.
- Monday (2/5/18): 7 miles
- Shoes: Adidas Tempo Boost 9
- Tuesday (2/6/18): 7 miles
- Shoes: Asics GT-2000 6
- Wednesday (2/7/18): 3.25 miles (4×400, 1×800), 8 miles cycling
- Shoes: Asics GT-2000 6
- Thursday (2/8/18): Day Off (work travel)
- Friday (2/9/18): 7 miles
- Shoes: Asics GT-2000 6
- Saturday (2/10/18): 6 miles + 12 miles cycling
- Shoes: Saucony Guide ISO
- Sunday (2/11/18): 10 miles
- Shoes: Asics GT-2000 6
Weekly Mileage: 40.25 miles running, 20 miles cycling
As I mentioned earlier, I am in the process of trying to finalize my spring race schedule and training plan. I’m hoping to figure out the details by the end of the month. As long as I can continue to increase mileage and stay healthy, I will be happy my progress. I’m hoping to find some 5k’s and a few other races here in the next 2 months to help me understand my conditioning.
Leave me a comment or contact me if you have any suggestions as I continue to prepare for the 2018 Cleveland Marathon. Remember, Save 10% off any Cleveland Marathon race or challenge with coupon code SLONGCLE10.
About the Cleveland Marathon
The Cleveland Marathon is in its 41st year and is one of the top 50 oldest marathons in the US. During race weekend Cleveland hosts between 15,000-18,000 runners and walkers in addition to thousands of spectators.
The Cleveland Marathon is on Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 7:00 a.m. The full marathon, half marathon, and 10k all start at this time. Plan to arrive around 6 a.m. to allow yourself plenty of time to park and get ready.
If you haven’t registered yet, you should! I promise you won’t regret it. Hope to see you all in May.
Register for Cleveland MarathonRace Discount: Use promo code SLONGCLE10 to save 10% off any Cleveland Marathon race!
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